Our Service and the Road Ahead

The Writing Partner is the premier educational site for mastering writing in all fields.

Founded by Charles Euchner, a former writing instructor at Yale and Columbia, The Writing Partner is dedicated to providing a comprehensive online writing program for people in business, education, public and nonprofit entities, journalism and publishing — and, in fact, anyone who wants fast, digestible, and actionable micro-lessons on writing.

At The Writing Partner, we believe that the ability to communicate is essential for people in all walks of life. We also believe that even the best writing programs — university classes, training programs for business, seminars, and other resources — do not meet the needs of their users. People searching online, meanwhile, get an unreliable jumble of links.

To solve a real need, The Writing Partner offers a comprehensive collection of techniques and blueprints to meet the needs of its writers everywhere.

The Creator of The Writing Partner

Charles Euchner, educated at Vanderbilt University and the Johns Hopkins University, is the creator of The Elements of Writing, the only comprehensive, brain-based system for mastering writing in all fields. Euchner details this system in a series of comprehensive guides and shorter books on special topics.

Our Standards

Every piece on The Writing Partner strives to meet the following standards:

Accessible to all: We believe that writing provides a critical skill for people in all walks of life. We aim to make our micro-tutorials, blueprints, and other materials simple to understand and apply.

Clear, actionable tutorials: We seek to model the writing lessons that we teach in this site, with clarity and energy in every piece. You should be able to learn a technique in a matter of minutes and then apply that skill to whatever you are writing. Please tell us if we fall short and we will try to respond.

Representative of America’s growing writing community: In our times, almost everyone writes. Before the Internet, the writing community was a small caste, governed ruled by gatekeepers and insiders in publishing, newspapers and magazines, TV and radio. These days, thanks to blogs, ebooks, social media, and more, everyone can write for an audience.

Editorial Standards and Practices

The Writing Partner content is intended for educational purposes. We aim to be fair, balanced, accurate, and useful. We have no ax to grind. We will strive to be responsive to users with concerns and ideas for improvement. Our content is copyrighted, with all rights reserved.

As we grow, we will add editorial staff to assess and vet every post on the site. We aim to present useful, fair, actionable content for anyone who wants to write or communicate better.

We are beholden to no outside sources. Our dedicated is to you, the user. We provide links to content both inside and outside the site that we think will be useful to the user.

We regularly seek feedback and critiques for our work. Because we are an online resource, we have the luxury of improving every piece as soon as we determine the need to do so.

We also seek to update the site to keep the content fresh and relevant to modern users. We are dedicated to revising outdated references if that will help us engage between with our users. We seek to be inclusive of all communities who want to use their site for any reason.

Raves from Past Users

In recent years, the content on this site has been vetted by readers of our books, participants in our seminars, and clients ranging from authors to professional managers. Here’s what a few of them have had to say about the lessons on this site:

As soon as I adopted The Elements of Writing, I found I worked much more quickly and felt in greater command of the text. I wish I had known about this years ago. I’ve been writing professionally for many years, and this has been one of the most helpful books I have ever found.

— Marion Edmunds, Australian author

Charles Euchner’s Elements of Writing isn’t merely inspired but practical as well. Euchner teaches by showing some of the world’s best writers at work: Joan Didion, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Norman Mailer. Aspiring wordsmiths and established professional writers alike will benefit from Euchner’s inventive approach.

— Katie Hafner, technology Writer for The New York Times and author of A Romance on Three Legs 

esides articulating his own “tricks of the trade,” Euchner offers a huge, wonderful array of examples. In clear, lucid terms, The Elements of Writing explains and shows what makes for strong prose.

— Aaron Ritzenberg, Department of English, Columbia University

The Elements of Writing is an essential reference for writers and storytellers. I use it myself and recommend it to my students. The classic literary examples are extremely helpful. I feel smarter just having this book by my bedside, and I discover new insights every time I pick it up.

–Lee-Sean Huang, cofounder and creative director of Foossa

I’m a couple months into my first year at the University of Chicago Law School (and loving it). One of my classes is Legal Research and Writing, and my professor just repeats everything you taught us in the writing seminars I took freshman year. We had our first assignment due a couple of weeks ago, and then had individual meetings for feedback. My professor told me that my writing skills and style are well above average and that I write simply and to the point, which is exactly how legal writing should be. I attribute this solely to your teaching.

— Camila Panama, University of Chicago Law School

Charles Euchner is the rare talent who can both write and teach. As I struggled to write my first book, he pulled me back to reality and explained the tricks of the trade. With brilliant simplicity, he explained all the big — and little — things that lead to a successful book. Charlie Euchner will save you months of frustration and make writing anything — books, articles, reports — much easier. Trust me, it works.

—Former Ambassador Nancy E. Soderberg and author of The Superpower Myth